Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Miracle Juice of Aloe Vera

Back when I was a child, we had an aloe vera plant and one time I cut my hand. My mother cut one of the leaves and some gel oozed out. It helped my cut and I was in amazement of this wonder plant that could be used to help heal wounds and burns. Aloe vera to me is a miracle plant and scientifically research has been studying it since the 1930's when the US as well as Russia showed that it has a dramatic effect to heal wounds, ulcers(aloe vera juice), burns. It puts a protective coat on the affected area, which speeds up healing. This is due partly to aloectin B, which stimulates the immune system. It a great emollient, secretes bile and can also be used for a laxative. Very soothing for upset stomachs and if you have digestive problems and become sick easily, drink some aloe vera juice before eating.

Now, March 1-15th, one of my very favorite products with Nature Sunshine is on special! I have used it before and it soothes the skin as well as the tissues lining the digestive tract. I generally take some before I eat. I will not lie and say that it taste delicious and many companies will say that, but most aloe vera on the main markets have lost many of the original benefits of the plant due to over-processing. Do be wary of companies that claim their aloe vera juice taste great. Removing some of the 'disgreeable taste' of the plant leaves a product that is only 10-15% aloe vera!. I can tell you that it will soothe your stomach as it does mine and you will feel better in long run, knowing you are taking care of your health and not becoming dependent on a drug or tums. Tums is another product that is not good to become dependent upon. Aloe vera on the other hand is a healing plant! Take a look at my site on aloe vera
I love this deal as you can stock up if you want or just order one for now and see what a wonder plant it is!

